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The technique of the Tomatis® Method

Sound consists of vibrations. When sound travels through the air we call it "air conduction".  But even better, sound travels through the bones of the body: this is called "bone conduction". If you talk while covering your ears, you can still hear yourself very well because sound travels primarily through the bones of your skull. Speak up and you'll feel your whole body vibrate.

With the TOMATIS listening training, you listen to music by Mozart and Gregorian chant, through headphones that are equipped for air and bone conduction. The sound is transmitted to the inner ear via speakers on the ears and via a vibrator on the top bone of the skull. Due to this special arrangement, the acoustic message first reaches the auditory organ via the cranial bones. In this way, the ear can prepare itself to then receive the sound via the air conduction. This dual sound transmission on two paths educates the brain to correctly analyze the incoming sound message

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The sounds have been processed in advance so that they reach the ear via the Tomatis® effect and thus support the inner ear in its role as an "auditory drive". This effect is achieved through a contrasting change in sound -Quality (timbre) and sound intensity triggered to "surprise" the sensory system "ear" again and again.
The two middle ear muscles, in turn, stimulate the two functional units in the inner ear: the cochlea (cochlea) and the vestibule (sense of balance). The cochlea and vestibule are equipped with microcells called hair cilia, whose job it is to convert mechanical vibrations into electrical impulses.


These in turn supply a large part of the brain, the reticular formation. This network-like part of the brain is responsible, among other things, for global wakefulness control of brain activity. This means that the stimuli from the cochlea and vestibule create a global dynamization of the brain. Put simply, the inner ear supplies the brain with energy. 


In addition, the vestibule informs the brain of every movement of the body, no matter how small, and thus governs rhythm and balance. The entirety of the information transmission through the sensory system ear is fundamental and the most effective stimulation possible is therefore a necessity.

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