"Jedes Kind, jeder Mensch birgt ein Potential in sich das darauf wartet geweckt zu werden"
Columbina Katharina Drakulic
Dr. Alfred Tomatis, was a leading figure on neuroplasticity. He created a method for neuro-sensory stimulation and insisted that the brain was malleable long before this was recognized in the scientific world.
"I don't treat people, I wake them up"
Dr. medical Alfred Tomatis
The TOMATIS® method is based on several theories about how a person develops, like himinformationprocesses how he deals with himself and with otherscommunicatesand finally, like himlearns."
Die Gründe zur Vorstellung der Kinder sind vielfältig:
Parents with their children, teenagers, adults, couples and old people.
There are many reasons for introducing children:
Speech disorders - communication disorders - delayed language development
Behavioral problems (outbursts of anger, aggressiveness, frustration, hyperactivity)
Concentration disorders and attention disorders
Motor disorders of gross and fine motor skills
children with autism diagnoses
Children with ADHD diagnoses
School performance disorders
developmental delays
Sensory integration disorder
disturbances in balance
Disturbance of auditory processing and perception
Emotional imbalance
mental abnormalities
and much more
Kinder die nicht sprechen
Kinder die "nicht hören"
Kinder die nicht "still sitzen"
Kinder die nicht kooperieren können
"Schüchterne" Kinder
Kinder die scheinbar "grundlos" wütend werden
Kinder mit Teilleistungshochbegabung
Kinder die ihre Kraft nicht dosieren können
Kinder die mit anderen Kinder nicht adäquat in Kontakt treten können
Kinder die sozial "anecken"
Kinder die sich in (grossen) Gruppen nicht finden
Kinder die noch einnässen
KInder die auf Geräusche, Gerüche etc. über- oder unterreagieren
Kinder die "verträumt" sind
Kinder die Ihre Emotionen nicht regulieren und modulieren können
Kinder mit mangelndem Selbstbewusstsein bzw. Selbstwertgefühl
Kinder die noch nicht "angekommen" sind

procedure and application
If possible, we will test you/your child with a special audiometry device - TLTS test
We program tailor-made programs for each child/adult (no standard solutions)
We use headphones equipped with air conduction and bone conduction (over the skull bones)
Children always listen together with their mother/father (or primary caregiver)
We work with the recorded and filtered mother's voice and possibly the father's voice
During auditory information processing, the entire brain is more active than with any other stimulus. Our programs are translated into a neural response in the cerebral cortex in a complicated process. This activates a number of brain areas that are responsible for complex things. On the one hand, there is hearing, then motor skills, and of course the emotional centers. And those areas of the brain that are responsible for storing memories.
The greatest brain stimulus of them all!

The neuroplasticity of the brain - bringing potential to light

Der Umstand, dass das Gehirn (Synapsen, Nervenzellen oder auch ganze Hirnareale) in der Lage ist, sich in Reaktion auf eine Stimulation zu verändern, nennt man "NEUROPLASTIZITÄT"
The fact that the brain (synapses, nerve cells or entire brain areas) is able to change in response to stimulation is called "neuroplasticity". For a long time, the adult brain was considered a rigid, hardwired organ. However, the latest scientific findings show the opposite, and prove that therapies work and that many deficits can be changed more than we dared to hope. Children's brains in particular are highly plastic. The programs we customize are based on this principle, offering gentle and specific stimulation to activate the neural pathways used in processing sensory information. Important neural connections are strengthened and new connections are made through repeated sessions. Our programs are specifically adapted for children and adolescents / adults, and individualized for each person's goals. The training approach applies to all age groups and opens up a wide range of applications
Unsere Klienten aus den Bundesländern und aus dem Ausland erhalten Mobile Geräte für zu Hause um den logistischen Aufwand zu minimieren. Ob, und in welchem Umfang dies möglich ist, wird im Erstgespräch genau besprochen
Public relations/media work
ORF Consciously Healthy Institute Columbina Drakulic
Institute for Family Support Columbina Drakulic
Symposium update pediatric ENT, Medical University of Vienna, lecture Columbina Drakulic Tomatis at AVWS