functions of hearing
function of hearing
When hearing is impaired, difficulties arise not only with discrimination, ie signal differentiation, with spatialisation, ie spatial hearing, and with lateralisation, ie lateral hearing alignment. This also leads to the loss of the ability to filter out an acoustic message from the surrounding noise. In this situation, the person concerned is exposed to a wealth of information, which he or she perceives in a more or less distorted manner. Messages are then only understood with great effort. This leads to misunderstandings, growing fatigue, irritability and ultimately withdrawal. The environment as a whole is then perceived as problematic. It is obvious that under such conditions attention and memory decrease.
function of balance
Dynamization function
It is dependent on the balance organ (vestibulum) in the inner ear, which registers even the smallest movements of the body and forwards it to the brain. The ear therefore plays a role in regulating posture and orientation in space. Through its action on the vestibule, the TOMATIS Method helps the body regain an upright posture by repositioning the skeleton. Through the continued acoustic stimulation of the auditory training, the information that is transmitted to the brain via the right inner ear can be harmonized with that of the left inner ear. As a result, motor reactions are much less chaotic and more fluid and balanced. The use of the method for motor disorders is therefore obvious. In addition, due to its close connections to the brain, the vestibular organ plays an important role in the processing of musical and linguistic rhythms.
The human ear has the function of a "cortical energy supply". Therefore, it needs to be stimulated to energize the brain and body. Sound is essential for our personal development. The richer it is in high-frequency vibrations, the more efficient is its effect. In fact, sounds rich in high pitches stimulate a vast neural network called the “reticular pattern” that controls the overall level of brain activity. Therefore, we mainly use Mozart's violin concertos, whose beneficial effects are well known. Gregorian chants are also used because their very special rhythm has a calming effect.