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He who knows how to hear hears the truth, he who does not know how to hear only hears noise

Talking to each other is difficult. Not only because we have trouble saying what we mean, but also because we just talk to each other and don't listen to each other. There is a difference between hearing, listening and listening. The goal of human language development is to progress from listening to listening to active listening. 

The Tomatis method helps


Acute Stress Syndrome

Feeling burned out / Burnout

stress symptoms



Tinnitus / Ringing in the ears

Consequences of sudden hearing loss


anxiety states



lack of self-confidence

Lack of self-confidence



difficulty concentrating

mistakes in speaking,

Speech motor skills, stuttering

Disorders of falling asleep and staying asleep

Relationship disorders (family, social)

tic disorders

schlafstörung, stress, depression, fehlendes selbstbewusstsein, tinnitus
burnout, akutes belastungssyndrom, depression, angsstörung, tic störung,
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