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Listening training for pregnant women contributes to the development of the child's communication skills, the basis of which in the womb is the acoustic relationship of the fetus with themother's voice is laid

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A Tomatis training in pregnancy and for childbirth preparation

Since the 1980s, a great deal of research has demonstrated the existence of very intense mental and sensory activity in the fetus. These results all proved the statements made by Tomatis about prenatal life 30 years earlier. In fact, as early as the 1950s Tomatis claimed that the mother's voice is perceived by the fetus and that the mother's voice means a kind of prenatal emotional-acoustic stimulation for it , which is of utmost importance for his physical and mental development.


It is well known that during pregnancy the mother transmits to the unborn child the full range of her feelings, both positive and negative. That is why it is so important that the pregnant woman is doing as well as possible in this extraordinary phase of life and that she is relaxed and relaxed. The mother's voice is heard by the unborn child. It thus represents something like an emotional, tonal substance that is of paramount importance for the physical and psychological development of the child. That is why it is so important that the child perceives the voice as pleasant. 

Listening training with the Electronic Ear can relieve the mother-to-be of fear and stress caused by difficult external circumstances or fear of the pain of childbirth.

In all these cases, it is very important that the pregnant woman manages to relax and overcome her fear, not only for herself but also for her child. Because the more a woman is exposed to fear and tension, the more she feels physically bad and transfers these negative feelings to her child.

In addition to combating anxiety and the fear of pain, auditory training can be relaxing and energizing at the same time. It enables free breathing, prevents poor posture and thus helps the mother-to-be to adopt a posture that best suits her physical shape. 


Auditory training regulates sleep beneficially and has a preventive effect on the energy slump that often occurs after birth

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